Sarah Macatrao (Ham)'s profile

Her Side: The Story of Nicki Mini Documentary

Her Side: The Story of Nicki Mini-Documentary Project

When creating this mini-documentary, I went for a very abstract subject matter. Instead of seeking out another person for filming their story, I decided that I wanted to know Nicki, my split personality's story, on how long she's been around and her feelings about her life and mine. This was a difficult project, both skill-wise but also emotionally. In order to capture the footage from the interview portions, I adjusted all the light and camera angles before hand, did a sample attempt of video to see if it was decent, and then, my husband carefully managed to coax her out. Then, he carried out the interview, asking her the questions, while I slept. All B-ROLL footage was achieved by me, though, so I would have creative control over the matter.
Her Side: The Story of Nicki Mini Documentary

Her Side: The Story of Nicki Mini Documentary

A Mini Documentary from the perspective of one of my split personalities named Nicki on her life and feelings about herself and me.
